Fish Manjones

"The Bnuuy"

Fish is the bnuuy one, her name is Fish because the first-born of her dad's family lineage must be named about fish, as it is a long lineage of bnuuy fishermen. She lives in a shitty coastal town in North Carolina with her family and a few other characters.

She's based on midwest emo music and a jpg of a rabbit i found on google images

Look its her but real

First Ref (I made it like while i was making the first porn of her but its outdated info)

Here's some updated info!


Teh Darkzords

Berry and Tono and Jesse, Her Dad, Mum, Brother kind of, uhhhh you? probably, She'd probably like Sarah a bit

Red (Her favorite food)

Reddit, also Markiplier, Horror stuff, Music, and Movies/Video in general

Fandoms (Slender Fan and Rybergooch)

Amusement Parks and Malls, Medieval Weapons also



Teh Lightzords

Green (Other bnuuys eat it)

Feminine stuff and politics is a weird thing to single out as dislikes but sure



Anal Sex (cool)

Romance is her real fetish she want's LOVE and to be HAPPY with someone

Cum (She likes it sure)

She likes threatplay and bullying in a sexual way, she acts dominant but secretly she wouldnt mind being submissive to someone doing that kind of thing towards her (Though that's not why she's a bitch she's usually like that)

Would she have sex with a plushie? with one of them strap on dilders? Probably.

Other Shite

She is 22 as of 2043, the year it is in Esphellohi, which is what the canon is called, its hard to explain theres a lot of history and lore about it.

She's really soft and chubby and i want to use her like a pillow.

She really likes breats and boob, it is probably because of envy and she wants breats herself, she has fantasized about having large breats, oh how she wants them so badly, she is a breats enjoyer, she would suck some mad tiddies and would enjoy having someone's boobs on her face, she thinks about boobas occassionally and when she does she does get horny, she not gay tho.

She works at a themed burger restaurant called Bludgeon Burger.

She doesn't like things that are popular unless she does

Her family's species is eastern cottontail rabbit

She was cursed by a wizard to lay eggs at easter time

Did you know she's an incel? It's true, she's a virgin and she thinks guys only like hot sexy women

Doesn't stop me from drawing so many spicy things about her though